Sunday, June 12, 2016

Day 8: Beating the Rain

Winnemucca to Battle Mountain, NV
Miles:  56. Climb:  1,650
Total Miles:  552

Today was an uneventful day as we continued the trek along the California Trail through the Great Basin.  One of the markers at a rest stop said that the Great Basin is the largest desert in the US.  I believe it.

I rode with the same group today.  I think we will likely stick together for the rest of the ride.  John is always at the front and his wife, Liz, typically drafts him.  They are 49 years old.  John was a chemical engineer and worked for three different oil companies.  Liz was a software developer on PeopleSoft implementations (seriously) in the UK. They quit their jobs when they were 47 and have been doing bike touring in Europe, the U.K. and now the US since they "retired".  Tony is a mechanical engineer.  He is the Chief Design Officer for a small environmental company in New Hampshire.  The four of us have formed a group, without actually talking about it.  We just look for each other each morning and set out together.  Today we were joined by Steve.  Steve is from Arizona.  This is his fourth cross country ride.

Our morning started with strong headwind again.  I was fatigued and didn't have the patience for another day of grinding.  John took the lead, followed by Liz, then Tony.  Just as yesterday, I tucked in behind Tony, taking advantage of his frame for a good draft.  Even though I have known these three people for only one week, I am comfortable in a pace line with them.  We had a 3 mile climb to Golconda Summit followed by a great five mile descent.  I'm actually starting to like climbing.

The scenery is very stark and the area is so unbelievably dry.  As we got nearer to Battle Mountain we could see rain in the distance, so we picked up our pace to try to reach the hotel before it hit.  By the time we got to the hotel, the sun was out, and when I got to my room and was reading more about the area I learned this area gets only an average of 7 inches of rain a year.  I guess we had nothing to worry about.

The next three days are long days.  75 miles tomorrow followed by days of 108 and 119 to get us to Salt Lake City.  Then a day of rest.  I'm looking forward to that.


  1. It's so interesting how groups spontaneously form on rides.

  2. So, I have questions - for now or when you are back:

    1. Do you talk/chat while you ride?
    2. Did you remember the words to Mariah or look them up?
    3. How great does a shower feel at the end of they day?
    4. Any blisters?
    5. How many times do you stop and apply sunscreen?
    6. Do you read the news at night or try to keep all that tuned out?

    I read your blog to Marj each day (of course she could read it herself but it's more fun to share).

    Keep singing - great way to cross the country.

