Sunday, June 19, 2016

Day 15: Thelma and Louise and Laura

Price to Green River, UT
Miles:  67  Climb:  1,300 ft
Total Miles 1,057

Today we rode 67 miles from Price to Green River on US Route 6.  Our first 1,000 miles is done! The ride was much easier than yesterday, in spite of the fact that the temperature hit 109 degrees while we were riding.  The scenery was brown, hazy and desolate from Wellington (just outside of Price) all the way to Green River.  Beautiful, striated rock towered over the canyon floor that looked like a desert.

Green River is in the area near Moab and the Canyon Lands.  It is very hot, dry, and desolate, and as I  rode along scenes from the movie "Thelma and Louise" were playing in my head.  I could see them driving the car off the rock formations that lined the highway.

The Outlaw Trail was in this area, covering more than 200 miles.  The canyons provided hideouts for many famous outlaws, including Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and their gang.  They spent time in Green River and the surrounding canyons from the 1880s to the early 1900s before going to South America.

We had less wind today, but still enough to make the ride a challenge, given the heat.  Several days in a row we've ridden into an east southeast headwind.  Winds, flats and heat make a frustrating combination.  But my group had only one flat today and we kept a good pace in spite of the wind, which got us to the hotel early in the afternoon.  It was nice to have time to clean the bike and do some laundry before the long day ahead of us tomorrow.

Tomorrow we leave Utah and ride 90 miles to Fruita, Colorado.  Another state will be behind us!  Forecast is for temperatures in the 100s.


  1. You'd think the wind would do you a solid at this point and change directions. Like a little Westerly. As I read your blog, I think I'm noticing a shift in what you refer to as easy days vs difficult days. What was once difficult or challenging, is now perhaps in the category of easy or less difficult. I guess that's a result of the incredible challenges you've faced and survived. Glad to hear your ride wasn't so challenging that like Thelma and Louise, you decided to fly off one of those rock formations.
    Have a good ride today.

  2. You have conquered 1,000 miles - quite an accomplishment! With each revolution of the wheels and chain rings, you keep moving forward discovering new lands, new thoughts and a new you. You go, girl!!!!
