Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Day 17: Wide Open Spaces

Fruita to Montrose, CO
Miles:  75   Climb: 3130
Total Miles:  1222

The ride today started like yesterday, strong headwind and temperatures climbing fast.  My legs felt heavy and I was worried that I had left it all on Interstate 70 yesterday.  We continued to ride through arid, dry canyons, but it was not as desolate as Utah.

The first and only SAG stop was at 38 miles.  The ABB team was concerned about the heat and keeping everyone in water, so they used one van for the SAG stop and and the other scouting the route to make sure everyone was okay.  Like yesterday, the pace to the SAG was unbearably slow due to the wind.  At the stop I had the standard PB&J and some fig newtons and tried to reenergize.

When we left the stop, miraculously, the wind had changed.  We were able to travel at our normal speeds, and it felt like we were flying.  Even though the last 37 miles were a steady but gradual uphill climb, we rode well.  When we got into town we stopped at a coffee shop to celebrate.

The Europeans are amazed by how big the West is, and I agree.  These definitely are wide open spaces.  After experiencing the West on a bicycle the past two weeks I better understand how living near mountains and wide canyons influences the psyche of people who grow up here.

Tomorrow we climb into the Rockies.  We will be in the San Juan range climbing for two days to Monarch Pass.  Forecast is for continued hot weather and headwinds.


  1. Headwinds, heat, and hills (make that mountains). Such an amazing adventure. You are an inspiration. I read your blog the first thing every day before work. It is an inspirational way to start the day.

  2. I agree Lynn -- each morning I am living vicariously through Laura!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Made it to Moca Joe's in Delta. Welcome to my old stomping grounds. You sure got it right about the psyche of the west.
    Sorry you couldn't take a side trip to St George, it was only 110 yesterday (but it's a dry heat).;-)

  5. So proud of you! I don't believe I could possible attempt what you are accomplishing! Sending you lots of positive energy!
