Monday, June 20, 2016

Day 16: Colorado

Green River, UT to Fruita, CO
Miles:  90  Climb:  3,600 ft
Total Miles:  1,147

 Today's update from the America By Bicycle What Was I Thinking Cross Country Challenge.

Ninety miles on Interstate 70. Chip and Seal surface. Strong headwind.  An arid, desert canyon. 108 degrees. What the hell was I thinking when I signed up for this?

The forecast was for high temperatures, so we were on the road by 6:15.  The first SAG stop was at mile 25.  The second SAG stop was at mile 65.  After the first SAG stop my friends dropped me.  I decided it was better to conserve my energy and ride alone at a pace that I could maintain than push myself to keep with them and blow up before the end.  Feeling abandoned as I rode through Isolation Canyon (No joke. That is the name of it.), the temperatures rose and a strong headwind picked up.  By mile 50 I was totally exhausted, physically, mentally and emotionally, and I still had 40 miles to go.  My average speed at this point was about 10mph, which meant I had at least four more hours on the bike seat, and my ass hurt.  I stopped.  I got off the bike.  I stretched my legs and talked myself through what to do. Even at only 10 mph I could eventually reach the next SAG stop, refill my water bottles, get some food, and from there it was only 25 miles to the hotel.   I decided I was not going to quit, and I was not going to cry, but swearing was perfectly reasonable, which I did profusely.  When I got back on the bike and started peddling my Garmin read 108 degrees.

My friend Liz (yes, one of the group who dropped me) was at the SAG stop when I arrived.   So we rode the last 25 miles together, which included crossing the Colorado state line.  After a long climb, when we dropped over the crest the scenery was amazing, beautiful mountains and a lush, green valley. But I was too tired to stop for a photo.  My legs were weak, my water was low, and  I didn't want to interrupt a good descent.

Some people had to SAG today.  Dehydration was an issue and the heat was just too much.  We all are hoping for a better day tomorrow, but the forecast isn't promising. It looks we will have heat and headwinds again tomorrow.


  1. Yvon Chouinard, who started Patagonia Sportswear, once said "that the adventure doesn't start until the shit happens". I think by all accounts, the shit and the adventure happened yesterday. What's the other line, "if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger", well, you qualify for that one as well.
    You did great to finish. You did great just putting yourself in the situation that allowed yourself to face those extremes. You did great on both accounts. Just make sure you can top off your energy and hydration. You don't want to have a follow up day really physically depleted. It will really challenge your mental strength if you do.
    I'm sure you'll do the right thing for yourself. You're pretty good at that. The adventure continues.

  2. Wind
    Hot molecules
    In a frenzied pace
    Consuming all moisture
    Scarring the arid landscape
    And through it all a brave woman pushes onward

  3. I'm so impressed with your physical and mental stamina, Laura! I'm not sure I would have been able to resist the lure of the SAG wagon under conditions like that. I hope you get a break from the heat soon. Keep up the good work and know that many of us are cheering you on from Michigan!

  4. Perhaps "I am woman, hear me roar" could be one of your songs. Here's the second verse:

    You can bend but never break me
    'Cause it only serves to make me
    More determined to achieve my final goal
    And I come back even stronger
    Not a novice any longer
    'Cause you've deepened the conviction in my soul
    Oh yes, I am wise
    But it's wisdom born of pain
    Yes, I've paid the price
    But look how much I gained
    If I have to, I can do anything
    I am strong
    I am invincible
    I am woman

  5. It is hard to drop a friend and it is hard to be dropped. I know. Do what you feel is best and swear a lot!! Come up with new swear words, that is fun. Next I think you should consider a cycling trip through Italy. Less highways and a lot more wine and food. I would be totally in for that, just call me ;)

  6. Glad I found your blog. Very impressive riding. Keep the rubber on the road.

  7. I could not have said it better than Ruth!! I continue to be amazed by your determination and drive. So proud of you. Inspired by you...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It only took you 16 days to start swearing ? Hang in there soon you will be in the flats .

  10. You are one mighy mini mouse! You have many cheerleaders back here!!

  11. Laura stay safe and swear often
