Monday, July 25, 2016

Day 51: New Hampshire!

Brattleboro, VT to Manchester, NH
Miles:  78  Climb:  4,633

We are almost done. We crossed the state line into New Hampshire, our last state, just 1 mile into the ride this morning.  There was lots of clowning around at the "Welcome to New Hampshire" sign, even though we had 77 miles of hills ahead.  We've adjusted to the long mileage every day, 30 miles to the first SAG, 30 miles to the second SAG, then whatever is left into the hotel. Sixty miles, seventy miles, 100 miles, we just ride.  I wonder how long our bodies could keep up with this amount of riding.  Every rider is stronger (and lighter) than when we left San Francisco almost two months ago, and there is no complaining about distance or conditions.  We have become conditioned to the routine, the food, and the miles.  But for me, the joy of riding has increased, not diminished, and I know that more long trips will be in my future.

The ride today was idyllic.  We started on Route 5, a highway that was busy with early morning commuters, but after the first SAG stop we were on roads winding through the beautiful New Hampshire countryside.  It was hilly.  Very hilly.  And it was incredibly beautiful.  Another day of amazing scenery, beautiful weather, and delightful villages.  Several times I laughed aloud at the idea that I was riding my bicycle on the back roads of New Hampshire.  Even after all these miles and days of riding, it still doesn't seem real to me.

We are now just 56 miles from our goal.  We will wear our America By Bicycle jerseys tomorrow. We follow the typical morning routine tomorrow, hotel breakfast (happy it is the last), load the luggage at 7:00, and start out the way we have for the past 51 days.  At mile 52 we will congregate at the middle school in Portsmouth.  A police escort will lead us through town on the three mile trip to the beach for the wheel dipping ceremony.  From the beach, there is an 8 mile ride to the hotel, and then, as hard as it is to believe, we are done.  For me it will be an emotional finish.

The forecast for tomorrow is for hot, sunny weather.  It will be a good day to go to the beach.


  1. What an accomplishment, Laura! Tonight, while so many are with her, I'm with you. Have a great ride tomorrow and celebrate your stamina, determination, strength of spirit, and drive for accomplishment!

  2. A great day for the beach. I am so proud of you and proud to be one of your riding mates. I think Pam said it beautifully. "I'm with you tomorrow." What an amazing accomplishment. Have a GREAT ride. Soak it ALL in. You rock!!

  3. Congratulations, such an accomplishment. Very inspiring!

  4. Congratulations, such an accomplishment. Very inspiring!

  5. Wow. What an amazing adventure. I hope someone gets video of you dipping your wheel in the ocean. I'll be sad to see your adventure end, but I'm inspired by your strength and your stamina!

  6. Way to go Laura! When one door closes, another one opens or every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. Celebrate your accomplishment and sounds like you have more beginning rides in front of you. Thank you for sharing your journey!

  7. I am in awe of you and your accomplishments. I want to quit my job right now and just RIDE following in your path. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. It's been so good to follow your journey, Laura.
    Thanks for taking us along.
