Monday, July 18, 2016

Day 44: Last Rest Day

Erie, Pennsylvania

Today was our last rest day of the trip.

I started the day by going with some other riders to a diner close to the hotel for a breakfast.  It was great to have real eggs and good coffee.  I then did laundry and cleaned and carefully inspected my bike.  It is ready to finish the ride. I iced my knees and the weird bump that has appeared on my butt on the sit bone.  I'm taking all precautions I can to prevent anything from getting in the way of finishing the ride.

I then took an easy 19 mile ride to the Presque Isle State Park on a peninsula in Lake Eric. On the way back I stopped by a bar with an outside patio and enjoyed a Michigan beer from Founders.  This evening the CCC Dinner Club (Tony, Hans, Joe and I) had dinner at 1201 Kitchen downtown Erie. The four of us have had a nice dinner at a local restaurant in each of the towns where we've had a rest day. Tonight was our last rest day dinner, and we made a nice celebration of it.

Eight more days of riding, and we will be done. The upcoming mileage in New England is less than we had in the MidWest, but the climbing is significantly more.  The last leg should be fun as we cross New York, Vermont and New Hampshire.

Forecast for tomorrow is perfect.  Sunny, temperatures in the 70's and (maybe) wind from the west.


  1. Beautiful. You might want to see if you could but a donut around "the bump" so it doesn't get irritated. If you have antibiotic cream, may help to put a dab on periodically both to keep it moist and maybe also prevent any infection from developing. Just a thought. Big push to the finish. Go get 'em. You got this.

  2. The last rest day- love that title. Laura, the energizer bunny, just keeps going, even with a recovery ride that justifies a cold beer stop!
