Thursday, July 14, 2016

Day 40: O-H-I-O

Richmond, IN to Marysville, OH
Miles:  106  Climb:  2,536
Total Miles:  3,138

We left Richmond at 7:00 this morning and crossed the state line into Ohio. Another state in the books and after Ohio we will have only four states left! Ohio was good to us. The storms that had been predicted for today came through last night. As a result, the humidity was low, the skies were overcast, the temperatures pleasant, and the winds were behind us. The result was a great 106 miles. Our speeds were good given the tailwind, and our spirits were high all day. We rode country roads by impeccably maintained farms and well manicured yards. The scenery was picturesque. The farms were beautiful. The surface of every road we were on was smooth. I was struck by how well maintained the roads in Ohio are compared to the roads in Michigan. Both states were hit hard by the recession, but Ohio has maintained its roads while Michigan's have decayed.

We couldn't have had a better day than we had today. Some riders are tired and say, mostly but not totally in jest, that when this ride is over they will never get on a bike again.  I am at the opposite extreme.  I enjoyed the ride today and don't want to see the tour come to an end.  Even the long days like today are still a treat.  I like that riding 100+ miles is still a challenge, requires focus to maintain a steady cadence and speed, demands attentiveness to stay safe, and, as a result, is totally consuming. I was hoping to achieve a PR for a century today, but didn't. There is still tomorrow.

Some riders are having problems with the mechanics of their bikes.  The miles are taking a toll on tires, rims, wheels, drive trains, and bearings.  Every evening we clean our bikes and carefully inspect them for signs of wear so the mechanic and keep us rolling until we reach the Atlantic.

Tomorrow is another 100+ mile day. We are getting into hills, and tomorrow will have several miles of very steep hills in the last 40 miles of the ride.  From this day forward the rest of the ride will involve increasing amounts of climbing as we go through Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont and New Hampshire.

The forecast is for continued low humidity, pleasant temperatures, and winds from the southwest as we head northeast.


  1. Ohio's roads weren't always that nice, Laura, but glad you had a great day! Enjoy every minute! Carole

  2. I think you stay in Wooster tomorrow - where my daughter and her husband went to school. There was an Amish farmer who co-taught a course there - you should ride past Amish farms and share the road with buggies. It used to be the world headquarters for Rubbermaid until a tornado flattened the factory. It's more beautiful Midwestern countryside. Wishing you continued bliss.

  3. Stronger and stronger. Riding into increased fitness. Very sweet. Have a great ride tomorrow. Double century without Dan's wheel. From now on everybody will be looking for your wheel.

  4. Say hello to Wooster, where my grandpa is from. Ohio is very pretty and if I were off tomorrow, I would come down to meet you. Have a great ride!!!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON FRIDAY doing what you love!!

  6. Our daughter went to Wooster as well.

  7. One of the best descriptions ever: "I like that riding 100+ miles is still a challenge, requires focus to maintain a steady cadence and speed, demands attentiveness to stay safe, and, as a result, is totally consuming."

    Keep on truckin' , Laura
